Are you concerned about keeping the power on in your home at the most critical times? The weather has a way of reminding us how fragile our power grid can be sometimes. Combined with new energy generating systems that are in development, there are many factors that are affecting the quality of our national electrical power grid. Chances are you are noticing this in the news, your neighborhood, and your workplace. Whether you are interested in keeping the essential circuits in your home powered, or the entire house energized in a power emergency, we can help.
Contact IEC for a standby system consultation and custom estimate for your home or business.
Free 10-Year Extended Warranty on qualifying air-cooled generators
* and RXT or RDT ATS models ($1,345 VALUE!)
Qualifying Products:

KOHLER 10RESV, 10RESVL-100A, 12RES, 12RESV, 12RESVL-100A, 14RESA/RCA, 14RESAL/RCAL-100A, 14RESAL/RCAL-200ASE, 20RESC/RCA, 20RESCL/RCAL-200ASE generators and RXT/RDT ATS models
100% Kohler Funded Offer Dates:
March 28, 2023 – May 11, 2023
Customer must order product during this window to qualify for the promotion
Dealer Submission Deadline:
August 3, 2023 Installation Deadline: August 3, 2023
---OR--- 10-Year Extended Warranty on qualifying* generators and RXT or RDT ATS models ($1,345 Value!) o 100% Kohler funded* o Product must be installed by 8/3/2023 to be eligible for the promotion o Qualifying Products: KOHLER 10RESV, 10RESVL-100A, 12RES, 12RESV, 12RESVL-100A, 14RESA/RCA, 14RESAL/RCAL-100A, 14RESAL/RCAL-200ASE, 20RESC/RCA, 20RESCL/RCAL-200ASE generators and RXT or RDT automatic transfer switch**